Monday, June 18, 2012

Crepes and Creme Brulees and Cathedrals OH MY!

Today, I have officially been here for one week. crazy.

This was my first weekend!

So since I had no class, this was time to have fun and do what I wanted! 

Friday after coming back from Chantilly, I stayed up late while everyone else went out and did some of my required journaling. As a result, I woke up very late the next morning. I woke up at 10 AM (yes, that's late for me) and I failed at making myself oatmeal with raisins. Something just didn't taste right, even Busch DH makes better oatmeal than what I made. So then i had a piece of baguette with nutella and then made a sandwich, the usual with pesto, tomatoes, and mozzarella and chomped on that as I talked to my roommates about their night out. 

In that moment, I knew that it would be one of those days where nothing would satisfy my hunger. Nothing at all. So a couple hours late, Cami and I went out in search of more food. We went to this little cafe down the street and had a caprese salad and I ordered a creme brulee. It was...divine. The bruleed sugar top was perfectly crunchy to break with your spoon into the cool custard layer. I'm in France, so I have to enjoy all the classis desserts! I have yet to go and buy a macaron, I'm slightly ashamed of myself. I just keep thinking of macaroons from Financier in New York. If you can get a chance to go there, get the assortment box of macarons. You get all the flavors in a good sized macaron which is amazing. Absolutely decadent. Hopefully I can wrap my fingers around a macaron soon. 

Creme Brulee!
After cafe hunting, I came back to my room and lazed for a bit, didn't get any work done whatsoever, when everyone started talking about dinner. Cami and I had passed this really cute Thai place and we ended up going there. It was finally food that hit the spot. It was flavorful and great. But obviously, that wasn't good enough for me because a few of the girls and I walked down the arrondismont we are in, into the next district with this really cute street and got street side crepes (cheaper than sitting down at a restaurant). I had a standard nutella crepe and I love chocolate even though it is SO BAD for me. I guess i'm on a mission to get my nutella fill for a lifetime on this trip.

So that was my Saturday. My Sunday was a lot more interesting and productive. I went to the church of St. Chapelle today. The story of that church is that it used to be the private chapel for the kings of France. What is special about it is that the entire chapel, well, one room is stained glass from wall to wall pretty much with 14 panels of intricate glass work. Half of the panels are under restoration so they look dark and dirty, but the windows that are easily viewed are magnificent. Especially on a sunny day, the colors that stream through the windows create a beautiful scene of dancing light.

Following St. Chapelle, we wanted to climb up Notre Dame and see the view. I have yet to go inside, maybe I will tomorrow in my free time. We climbed up a never ending set of spiral stairs at Notre Dame and it was an incredible sight. We were able to see the entire city from end to end as we circled around the pathways above Notre Dame. We were also able to get up close and personal with the gargoyles. They were amazing to see because these gargoyles aren't visible in their beautiful form from the ground looking up. Its hard to differentiate them. There was even one that looked like an elephant! It was very cool. I had the best moment when we were able to go into the bell tower at Notre Dame. I felt like Victor Hugo's story of the Hunchback was alive and that he would be there to ring the bell every hour. 

Continuing on the literary theme, after looking at all of Paris from atop Notre Dame, we went to the Shakespeare and Company bookstore. This store is not the original store (which was the hangout place of Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, and other prominent writes) but rather a tribute type of store. This store is in honor of the original store which closed down in the 1940s I believe. They are pretty legit here. If you buy a book here, they stamp it with their seal that shows that you got it from the one and only Shakespeare and Company store in Paris. I bought myself a cute little copy of Romeo and Juliet because I love me some shakespeare and I need it for my collection. This was also the same bookstore that is filmed in the Woody Allen movie Midnight in Paris starring Rachel McAdams and Owen Wilson. It is one of my absolute favorite movies and I am so happy that I get to walk the land that great minds have traversed through as well. It's nice to visit historical places and think of what happened here in the past years, decades, centuries, and millennia. 

After that, we went to go get the best ice cream in Paris at this little shop named Berthillon and I got a mango ice cream. It was delicious and I intend on going back to try hazelnut, blood orange, chocolate, tiramisu, salted caramel, and all the other flavors that they have. 

It was a busy day! I came back and sat down and banged out another journal entry and am now writing hoping that you guys are keeping tabs on me. Hope all of your summers are going well! I miss you all very much. 

Ro <3

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