Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 1



And its beautiful here. I'm happy.

So just a little tidbit of the day.  RUSCREW.
I'm in Paris and RUscrew still follows us Rutgers kids around. We got into the the hotel and we placed our bags into holding because we were told our room would not be ready for two hours. We got lunch in the meantime and somewhat explored.

We get back to the hotel after that and meet up with everyone else and hear that we can't move into our rooms yet because they haven't been paid for. After waiting around for a good amount of time and watching Nadal win the French Open, we were finally allowed to go to our rooms and settle down.

We then had an orientation, and met the first professor of our sequence. She then took us out to our one paid meal of the whole trip, and I have learned that vegetarian food is going to be a problem (in terms of main course).

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm here, IN PARIS.

I had my first bit of goat cheese after getting here today. Absolutely delightful just as the bread was heavenly. I am going to enjoy every day here.

Ro <3

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